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Commercial Painting
Commercial Painting in Milton
If you need a commercial painting service in or around Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Brampton, Georgetown, or Campbellville, Majestic Colours Painting Services is the one to call. If you own a business, you can take advantage of our high-quality interior and exterior painting services at affordable rates. Regardless of the scope or scale of your commercial painting project, you can count on us to complete the work on time and within your budget. We have complete coverage with the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and all necessary licenses and registrations. This is for the safety of everyone associated with your business, including our commercial painting crew. We offer comprehensive services for painting commercial buildings, including but not limited to:
Office painting
Retail store painting
Apartment painting
Units in High-rise & low-rise buildings
Banks, churches & schools
Parking garage painting
Commercial Surface Preparation and Painting
For over 31 years, the professionals at Majestic Colours Painting Services have been providing commercial surface preparation and painting in the Ontario cities of Milton, Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Brampton, Georgetown, and Campbellville. They employ industry-grade coatings and components. Our commercial paints are tailored to each customer’s needs, ensuring that they last as long as possible and providing the greatest potential cost savings. Newer, more advanced varieties of commercial paints and varnishes are what we utilize.
Commercial Interior and Exterior Painting Services
The exterior or interior of your commercial building won’t be painted until our commercial painting crew has carefully inspected the surfaces to be painted and prepared them using the latest commercial painting techniques, such as hot and cold power washing, steam cleaning, and chemical treatments. Read on to find out how we paint the interior and exterior of our homes. Majestic Colours Painting Services uses high-volume spray painting to apply our high-performance commercial paints. This method is more efficient and gives better coverage in areas that are hard to reach or have an odd shape. When it makes sense, brush and roller techniques are also used. Our skilled Commercial Painting in Milton crew can paint both the exteriors of tall buildings and the interiors of small offices. For safe and effective commercial painting work, we know how to use aerial lift platforms, swing stages, ladders, and scaffolding. We know how important it is for your business to run well, so we take extra care to make sure that our commercial interior and exterior painting services won’t get in the way of how your business usually works.